Press Releases for Interest only mortgage

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    Interest only mortgage abolished by two leading banks

    RBS and NatWest have abolished their interest only mortgage deals to push applicants onto repayment deals.

    By : | 12-07-2012 | Finance:Finance | Total Views : 835

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    Lender halts interest only mortgages for new customers

    High street lender Nationwide has announced that from October 11th 2012 it will no longer offer interest only mortgages to new customers.

    By : | 10-31-2012 | Business:Real Estate | Total Views : 1030

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    TheAdvisory Provides Users with All of the Necessary Tools for House Sellers website is directed towards house sellers who are looking for tips and tricks to increasing their sales success rate.

    By : | 08-08-2011 | Business:Real Estate | Total Views : 1000

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    The Advisory Offers Expert Advice on Selling Homes Fast

    Looking to make a fast sale of a property but don't have a clue where to begin? Need to get a great price but aren't sure of what it is prospective buyers really want to see when they view a home? Wouldn't it be nice to get an insider's view of how to maximize the potential of any home sale? That's exactly what has to offer.

    By : | 06-20-2011 | Business:Business | Total Views : 1076